Dessert Brigade


One of our early memories of Christmas for the City is of scores of community members baking cookies for the early years of CFTC at the Millennium Center…15,000+ cookies!!! People would bake and bake and then drop them off on the back loading dock to provide hospitality for the three nights of CFTC in 2008-2010.

These days, as we’ve grown (and adopted stronger health code policy!😀), we lean into our professional food service partners to help us provide a hot beverage and dessert for people to enjoy while listening to some great music in the Main Stage Room. Starbucks is already on board to keep the coffee flowing, and now we are seeking donations of any kind of professionally prepared dessert to compliment the hot beverages and great music.

If your restaurant/food service can contribute desserts in any quantity, please feel out the form below:. Our team will pick up your donation on Friday, Dec, 20, so all you have to do is have it ready!!