Volunteer FAQ’s
Event Date
The event is December 17 from 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm in downtown Winston-Salem at the Benton Convention Center, 301 W. 5th Street.
Please bring family and friends and enjoy the event!
Event Details
An Event Program/Map Can be Found HERE.
The North Pole Village full of children’s activities will be downstairs (Piedmont 1 - 3)
Santa will be downstairs in the North Pole Village. Santa times will be posted the week of the event.
Non-profit organizations will be positioned in the Health Room, Reflection Space, Community Room, 5th Street and North Pole Village
Desserts & Coffee will be located in The John 3:16 Room in Piedmont 4 (downstairs).
Music and performances will be happening throughout the night all over the building.
Interpretive services are available as needed and can be reached via VOLUNTEER CENTRAL or the INFORMATION TABLE.
There will be an INFORMATION TABLE upstairs in the main hallway near the escalators and skywalk entrance.
We will have signage posted, but children should not be left unattended. Please reach out to the emergency contacts on your badge should you see an unattended child so that we can ensure their safe return to a family member.
Changes to your commitment can be made until the day before the event, online at https://volunteer.loveoutloudws.com/. Please reach out with any questions to Angela Daniels (volunteer@christmasforthecity.com)
Free Volunteer Parking Available in the First Baptist Church on 5th Lot between Poplar and Spruce off 6th Street.
Paid Parking
Closest parking is in the Cherry Street garage at the corner of 6th and Cherry. Enter from either street.
You can also park in the parking deck attached to the Embassy Suites. Enter from either Cherry or Marshall Streets between 4th and 5th Streets.
There is street parking on the blocks around the Benton and Embassy Suites.
For a list of downtown parking garages, click HERE.
There is not a designated parking area for buses.
NOTE: 5th Street will be closed between Marshall and Cherry for our event. You will not be able to drive through this space from 11:00 am - 7:00 pm
Wear festive and comfortable clothes and come with a smile and Christmas cheer! Christmas for the City T-shirts will be available as supplies last.
Please plan to arrive 30 minutes prior to your designated shift time, allowing you to park, check in at Volunteer Central and arrive at your volunteer area.
This Year Volunteers will enter through the volunteer entrance on the side of the building off Cherry Street. Volunteer Central is located directly inside those doors.
***Please keep in mind that 5th Street will be closed for this event between Cherry & Marshall (directly in front of the building) ***
During the Event
On the back of your badge you will notice some emergency contact information and instructions.
Refreshments for volunteers will be located in the VOLUNTEER HOSPITALITY area upstairs (next to volunteer central).
Remember to pick up a program when you arrive so that you have information on what is happening in the building in case our guests ask questions.
Check Out
AFTER your shift, please return the volunteer badge to VOLUNTEER CENTRAL and complete a simple survey to assist us with future events.